20 Januari 2008

massage from father to his children

my dearest children

i do not have substances to give to you, i am sorry caused i am not a good father. i always leave you and never been in your side when you need me. i cannot fulfill all your needs i always busy with my jobs. my heart is so hurt caused i cannot give you love and care. in deepest of my heart i always love you. i just want to give words for you, maybe with this words you can stand with your own ways and become great man.

  1. respect every person in your live.
  2. do not ever disappointed every reliance.
  3. do not ever give up when you face every problem in your life.
  4. do not ever blame everyone or every things but try find solutions.
  5. be grateful every amenity that given to you.
  6. always responsible to everything have done and take the consequences as a gift.
  7. be creative and be a problem solver.
  8. heart is the most precious things in a person live when you want to decide something or do something ask your heart and it will give you guidance
  9. if you want to be loved you should learn how should be loved.
  10. always remember his Name.

from your father who always never meet his children

8 Januari 2008

live before die and live after die

live before die and die after live

sometimes people afraid on one's last legs. i have several opinion why people afraid of:
1. we would never meet some who being loved
2. we would never meet all the happiness
3. we would never meet all the precious things in this world
4. we would stay alone in somewhere place without nobody care about us
5. there a lot of sins in the past and problem that never been solved in the past or before we die

everyone will die whenever god decided take our live, its nature as human being

7 Januari 2008

exercise for us

do you know what is the precious investment in your live. maybe several people will answer money or happiness, but according to my opinion the most precious investment in our live is healthiness. because without healthiness we cannot do anything even we have a lot money to buy happiness.

the reason why i write sports for healthiness cause i had been sick for 17 years with various illnesses and spent a lot of expenses since 17 years ago, fortunately after i do exercise regularly i can handle all the illnesses that already happened to me.

How to life better

first of all i like to tell you that we have different live style and have different ways to solve our problem. My purpose write this is to suggest you how to live better than yesterday or two hours ago several suggestion for you are

  1. do you remain there is some word “Men Sana in cor pore Sana”(there is great body in the great soul) may be you know this words when our body often trained well we will get great soul. Great soul in this content is we able to think as well as we can, we can create our idea, reducing our stress caused we work hard all day long, and we can get healthy bodies. To get this word you should:
  • a. take exercise regularly

its easy to say “take exercise regularly “ but hard to make it habit, i suggest you to start from the easies way wake up in the morning and take a breath, make a schedule to get start maybe you can make it right know (what times you will get up in the morning) you can do it as long as 2 weeks for instance. This way has purpose to make you get up in the morning regularly for the first time maybe really difficult but after several days you will get up every morning directly.

After you run the first way successfully then we should go to the next step “ move your body” you can prefer walking, cycling or running, pick ones based on your ability if you never doing exercise before i suggested you to the first option. At least 2 miles or more and three times a week is enough if you really busy, you can add the frequency if you want but everything based on your needs.

When you think you cannot do these activities caused you really busy to manage your another activities, you can join in body building training center you can asking several program suitable for you there is a lot of misunderstanding in body building you can ask to the trainer. You will get healthiness and also good shape.

  • b. manage your foods and drinks

do not ever drinks alcohol or drinks that make you high and also fast food caused its not hygienics and make your body bigger and fat. I suggested to drink mineral water at least 8 liter a day if you have much saving you can add juice in your menu once a day is not hard to your saving i guest. Get difficulties to find your favorite you can browse in Internet to find your favorite or you can ask the professional consultant who have experience in food and nutrition.

2. improving your soul regularly

how improving your soul? Everyone have their own ways for this, several example i had tried are meditation , praying and read motivation book. these methods are very effective for me.


sometimes everyone think meditation is very difficult to do, needs several rites and equipment. actually is not so complicated as people sight, for me meditation only one way to accelerate our body and our mind, for possible way lets try my tips:

    • refresh your brain and relax your mind
    • sit down on chair or floor that make you comfort
    • close your eyes and take a breath from your nose
    • image that all your skin also take a apart to breath
    • do it at least 5 minutes a day in the morning
    • try to concentrate to the breathing process and do not think anything

for you that believe with god existence, have obligation to pray and say thank you for the bless and the gracious given to us. whatever belief you have in religion, try to communicate with and say all problems god with watch and keep an eyes for your wish.

read motivation books

motivation book able to stimulate us or inspire us to do something new, but take it easy to read you should reads slowly and must understand every exercise cause it have a lot of meaning for you as the reader. when you see the motivation for note and read it very often maybe you can place it on the wall